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***Events subject to change!!***

july      aug  
July 7, 4:00 P.M. Appreciation Party
July 10, 11:30 A.M. Seniors Meeting
July 19, 7:00 P.M. Captains’ Meeting, Schützen Club
July 21, 2:00 P.M. Genealogy Meeting
July 26, 7:00 P.M. Bourbon Club
August 2, 7:30 P.M. General Meeting
August 14, 11:30 A.M. Seniors Meeting
August 15, 7:00 P.M. New Member Initiation
August 16, 7:00 P.M. Schützen Club
August 18, 2:00 P.M. Genealogy Meeting
August 23, 7:00 P.M. Bourbon Club

kolping Cincinnati   July Bulletin

King and Queen 2024

There are only 25 copies of the Cincinnati Kolping History Book left, so make sure you are not left out! Below is an order form to send in to get your copy.

   History Book Kolping Cincinnati   

kolping haus  Kolping Rental

More Info

Kolping Cincinnati has several rental options for you.

For more information, you may email at: hello@TheKolpingHaus.com

  • The Kolping Haus (formally The Kolping Center)

  • The Pavilion

  • The Pub/Kolping Consession The Pub

ksc ksc

Kolping Soccer Club

Since 1931

Wednesday July 3 7:30 p.m.

Watch Party at  The Pub    The Pub

DC United
DC United   FC Cincinnti



Domestic and imported beers, Pepsi prodocts, and Food avalible for purchase.

Summercamp 2024



Kolping Adalph Kolping

Membership Drive

Dear Kolping Members,

1000 members in our 100th year! That's our goal!

As the Cincinnati Catholic Kolping Society approaches its 100-year celebration, we have set a bold goal: to reach 1000 members by September 2024. With our current membership, the Society's Board believes we can achieve this milestone with your support. We invite you to extend a warm invitation to friends, spouses, adult children, and past members to join our society this year. For those who have renewed their 2024 membership, thank you! If you have yet to renew, please submit your membership fee and consider sponsoring and submitting your spouse's or adult children's application with your renewal. The Kolping Membership application is attached.

Founded in 1924 by a group of German immigrants who met at the Cincinnati Zoo on German Day, our society has evolved and grown significantly. From the initial 16 members, we now stand at approximately 600, fostering various subgroups, events, and activities. Our rich history includes the purchase of the initial Kolping House at 1523 Republic Street in Cincinnati; a turning point for our Society's history marked by the dedication of our first home on August 3rd, 1930. Over the years, we acquired properties like the Grove on Winton Road in 1953 and, in 1981, 57.8 acres on Mill Road, where our Kolping home resides today. Responding to the growing needs and the dreams for what our Society can become, the Kolping Center was built in 1991 by many of our members to enable our opportunity for growth.

As we approach our centennial year, we embark on a drive to expand membership to 1000, recognizing the dedication and leadership of our predecessors to get us to where we are today. We encourage each of you, our members, to enlist your family and friends to join for the first time. Additionally, we are asking you to invite past members to rejoin and contribute further to our legacy. The Cincinnati Catholic Kolping Society has recently started new subgroups like the Bourbon Club, Women's Klub, and The Journeymen to enhance diversity and interests within our community. These and other new exciting programs will provide avenues for our members, new and old, to fulfill Fr. Kolping's Vision; “To promote the development of the individual, the family, and friendship in a way that is relevant to our times.” Exciting events are planned for the centennial celebration, including a grand 100 Year anniversary celebration and concerts in The Grove. These endeavors aim to promote our society, strengthen bonds, and attract new members. Your collective efforts are crucial in reaching the 1000-member milestone and ensuring our society flourishes for generations to come.

Let us together, with your effort, make this seemingly improbable goal possible!
Here's to our next 100 years!

John Mueller
Cincinnati Kolping Society