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Kolping Genealogy

Kolping members interested in learning more about tracing their German roots are invited to attend monthly meetings to learn more about the process and to share their talents and skills with other Kolping members. Our fledgling Genealogy Group 12-month schedule covers a wide variety of topics.

We will meet usually on the third Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm for an hour to 90 minutes. The first part of each meeting will focus on a particular genealogy theme or topic using the internet and an overview of each topic. The rest of the time is spent one-on-one working with each other on capturing our information and expanding our skill sets. Review the table below and mark your calendars now to schedule your research and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow members of Germanic origins. Documents used before and after each session are posted on this site as resources to share. Check the folders below the annual schedule.

Please Check back regularly as dates may change due to weather, vacations, etc.

Dr. Tom Montgomery



Kolping Genealogy Micrsoft Teams

2023-2024 Topic Schedule

17-Sept-23 Annual Scheduling Meeting (Zoom)
15-Oct-23 Matricula: David Lahrmann
19-Nov-23 Deciphering German Script: Kenny Buerck
17-Dec-23 Photo Forensics: David Lahrmann
21-Jan-24 NARA Research: Charles Lintz
18-Feb-24 USCIS-David Lahrman
17-Mar-24 Find My Past-British & Irish: Dr. Tom Montgomery
21-Apr-24 Ancestry-All Access Membership: Dr. Tom Montgomery
19-May-24 Introduction to Genealogy 
16-Jun-24 NO Meeting: Visit the Schützenfest!
21-July-24 Introduction to German Resources
25-Aug-24 Planning/Topics for 2024 - 2025


Genealogy Forms